Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Hey, this is my blog, check it out peeps!!! It will have some information on my life at Dordt but will mostly have music artist and album reviews along with sports reviews!!! I know, sounds pretty awesome right!?!?




It's a secret to everyone that this blog has been neglected. Ben and I just really could not get excited about writing what we did everyday on this thing. So I regret to inform everyone that this is going to be the last post on this blog.

There is good news however! Ben and I are ending this blog, but we are not ending blogging. I always enjoyed writing reviews on this blog, so I'm doing a separate blog that you can read more about here:


Ben's blog I can't speak for, but I will let him do a post on here to let you all know about it. Which I guess means I lied about this being the last post. Whatever.

Well, it's been real and it's been fun, but has it been real fun?