Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hi! Today, for the first time, Ben is bringing the blog of the day. Worship. It is something that we all do, and yet, do we really know what it is? How do we worship God? This is a question that I have asked myself many times. In what way can I worship God in a way that is most pleasing to Him? 

I have come to the conclusion that, if you worship God, and you really mean it when you worship. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do it to the glory of God! If you are a good singer, sing your heart out to God! If you make videos, like Kyle, make them in a way that the glory will be God's. 

This also can definitely apply to all of us going into college as freshman. No matter what we plan to major in, we can do it for God. How do you worship God while doing his calling? I think the answer is given to us in the Bible. In 1 Corinthians 10:31 it says, "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God." This verse tells plain and simple, give glory to God in everything that you do. Whether you are a teacher, a athletic trainer, a pastor, a CEO, or in the film production business. Give glory to God in everything that you do. This is worship.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Our Greatest Fears

Dangit Ben. This can't be Ben and Kyle's Blog for Everything if you don't blog. About everything. This is Kyle again. Tonight, I am going to talk about something we all can relate to. Fear. Knowing I have to give a speech for a class this Wednesday gives me fear. But that's not the only thing. There's something else I absolutely hate.


This is a face of evil.

Now don't get me wrong, I can stand them. If I see one on the wall, I'll grab the Kleenex and squish it. But just look at that. If one would catch me off guard, like a ninja or something, I would run for the hills.

But this is the worst: Your about to go to bed and get really comfortable, and then you spot a spider on the wall. Naturally, you try to get rid of it in some way. But...it escapes. It runs down behind your dresser, or falls on the floor and you don't see it anymore. And now you have to go to bed. You have to lay in bed, imagining that while you sleep that spider could be crawling into your drooling mouth.

*shudder* That's why I don't like spiders. Especially the jumpy kind. They're bad enough, and then you find out they have ups. Yikes.

So I just asked Ben what his worst fear was. He said heights. That's a valid fear, I suppose. But lets compare:

Or this? 
Yeah, it seems pretty obvious to me. But what if we combined these fears? Like what if I was on a high place, at the edge of a cliff or something, and a jumping spider jumped up in my face? I would probably fall to my death, or maybe just die of fear related shock. And on that note, I'm going to bed. I'm sure I'll have great dreams tonight...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lazy Sunday and Such

This is Kyle, once again. So far this is only Kyle's Blog for Everything, but maybe by tomorrow that will have changed somewhat (Just between you and me, I have my doubts).

Today was a lazy Sunday that ended with a pleasant viewing of the 62nd Primetime Emmy Awards. A lot of love for good shows like Modern Family and Glee, but none for my favourite (British spelling) show Lost. For this I am deeply sad. When I get sad, I write in Italics.

Just a moment... *sniff* okay, I'm all better now.

So, not much else going on today. Just lazin' around being legit. And such. Man, I really want to watch some Lost now. That show... oh great, here we go again...Bye everyone...

                                       Matthew Fox feels my pain.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

And So Begins An Epic Journey...

Hey blog readers, you fancy people,

This is the one and only Kyle, except for all the other people named Kyle. My friend and compatriot Ben is sitting nearby, surveying this post. I welcome you to what will be a crazy time. If you continue to read this blog, you may find that everything you know is completely wrong. But that's alright with me. I hope it's alright with you.

We will be musing about many things that enter our minds. Which is quite a bit on an average day. Ben and I will hand off the torch between different posts to keep things interesting. And that's about all I have to say for now. I will leave this post with an awesome picture about being British, so goodnight.