Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hola, it's BEN!

So, first off, Im going to tell you all about my was really busy and really awesome. I am going to describe it using 5 words/phrases.

Ultimate Frisbee Win
Praise Team Practice
Watching Community

What I want to focus the blog on is the watching Community! Over the last couple months I have been watching this show and it has honestly become my favorite show. The characters are really funny and the plot of the episodes are always superb! The show is about a layer, Jeff, who recently lost his job because he was caught having no degree in law. He, Jeff, is now attended Greendale College, a community college and becomes friends with a group of friends referred to as the study group. All of the episodes focus around the members of the study group--which is very diverse and makes the show really funny. They have every type of person in this group both racially and characteristically--which makes the show that much more humerus. While watching the show I make the connection that the sense of humor is very similar to our groups sense of humor. Many of the jokes they use in this show I could see us using in a movie that we make as friends--which is why the show is so enjoyable for me. If you have never seen this show...I strongly recommend it, it is glorious in every aspect!

Here's a link to a funny clip from one of the episodes...



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