Sunday, October 31, 2010

A New Experiment

Today, Ben brings the blog yo diggity.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been working on stuff in garage band both by myself and with Kyle. We have created some pretty amazing and funny things over the last couple of weeks. One of my personal favorite things that I have done is recorded the song "In the still of the Night" by the Drifters. In this song I sing all 4 parts of the song and don't put any music to it. Another cool thing that kyle and I have done is create a song off the spot about needing a girl, we called it, "Girl, I need You" It's pretty hilarious. 
Im sure that everyone is wondering where I am going with this. Well here it goes. Two days ago, I wrote the lyrics to my very first song. I haven't given it a name yet, but it is definitely a work in progress. I began to write the song in hope of writing a love song. When I wrote, I guess I realized that it isn't right to write a love song when you don't truly love someone at the time, so it turned out to be more of a break up song. It's supposed to be about a guy who remembers things from the girl he dated, it is not referring to anything from my personal experience with relationships in the past. I am still changing the lyrics around as I go, and it definitely isn't a finished project yet seeing how I haven't written the music for it or finalized the lyrics. So here are the lyrics, let me know what you think!

Verse 1
Laying on the street
I look up at the stars.
I wish upon them every night

Remember when?
We would watch them,
Hoping to see shooting star’s lights.

I only wonder, what we could have been.
You were the only one that I loved in my life.

When you walked into the room.
When you talked to me alone.
When I looked into your eyes.
I thought they were the ones for me.
Now I see that it was just a dream.

Verse 2
I listen to the song
That we sang together.
I sing along in hope to hear you join in.

Remember when?
We’d sing off key
You’d laugh and say, come on Ben

I can’t stop thinking about you girl
You were in my life and now you’re gone.


Verse 3
I think of the time
When I said I love you
I meant it with all of my heart.

I think of the time
When you said I love you
Why wouldn’t you tell the truth from the start.

I hoped that we would last forever.
That’s the one thing we never agreed on.

I thought that we had something special.
I thought that we could work together.
I thought that you loved me.
I thought wrong. I thought wrong. 

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Late Night Blog Post...Just for You

Hello everyone, it's Kyle. I'm sitting here on a late October evening, listening to the sounds the state of Iowa through my slightly opened window. It's a balmy 48 degrees here in lovely Sioux Center, and I may or may not have a bit of insomnia right now. I haven't really tried to fall asleep yet, so I suppose I can't say that. But I'm not tired, so what better way to cure that than to blog right? The most boring thing ever!

Naw, just kiddin'. I enjoy this, otherwise I wouldn't do it. That and usually by the time I remember to actually blog, I'm ready to go to bed and just say, "Oh, I'll do it tomorrow," which we all know how that turns out, unless, of course, I said that yesterday because I actually am blogging today, but actually yesterday is Friday, since I'm blogging after midnight, so I technically never said it yesterday...Man, that was a lot of commas.

Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm just rambling. Nothing much to see here folks. Let me think...went to a Dordt hockey game today. For the amount of Canadians here, you'd think we'd be good at hockey. Well, that last sentence explains itself. This is going to be another short blog post, because I actually am starting to be ready for bed. And I will try to make this a more regular occurrence from now on, really! I understand that for some of you, this is the only window you have into Ben and Kyle's life, but let me tell you: you've seen enough to last forever ever. But that won't stop us from giving you more.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Today, Ben brings the blog yo.

Today, I was thinking about life like I do sometimes when I'm bored, and I came up with some "goals" in my life. Some of the things I thought of weren't really good moral goals, per say, although, they definitely still are goals in my life. Here are some of the first things that I thought of while thinking of goals. First, I thought of Paul McCartney, I have always wanted to see him in concert. This is a huge goal in my life, although, it probably won't ever come true because tickets are only increasing in price.

Next, I obviously thought of the amazing John Stamos, and how awesome it would be to meet him (even though this will never happen.) When I was younger, my goal was to make it to the NBA, this goal isn't that realistic either, even though, at the time, I thought that it might be possible. Now I know that there is no chance. I asked Kyle what some of his goals were and the first thing that he said was that he wanted to create what he called "the next Lost". Not that it would be similar to Lost, but that it would captivate and involve viewers in the same way Lost did, and tell an incredible story.

Then, I started to actually think of what real goals I have in my life and what my life should really be about.   Why was it that when I first started to think of my goals that I immediately thought of things that I wanted, that were centered around me and me alone. I started to think deeper and what I really wanted my life to be like. I thought of what it might be like to be married, to have kids. It's starting to dawn on me that even though I'm not even dating right now that it is possible that I could be married within the next 5 to 10 years. 
I realized, finally, what my goals in life should really be about. First, I should try to honor God in everything and try to center my life around Him, and not myself. Second, my goals shouldn't be just about me and what I want, but about the greater things in life, the things that God blesses us that we take for granted. Instead of seeing Paul McCartney, my goal should be to go on mission trips and to give to the poor. 

I don't know if this really made that much sense, I guess I just wanted to say that we should think of our goals on a greater level and we shouldn't center our goals around ourselves. But around God first, and others second, then last, ourselves. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog For Tori (aka A Day at Dordt)

So, it was recently brought to my (Kyle's) attention that this blog has not been updated in over a week? NOW WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS? Oh wait, it's me. Shoot.

Well, to make up for that, I took a special request from Tori Schreur for this blog post. She wanted me to describe a typical day at Dordt, so I will attempt to do just that. Here goes, Tori.

So, the first thing I do on a typical day at Dordt is wake up from a semi-sleepless night thanks to Ben's wonderful snoring. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I get up at 8, and at 7 or Tuesday and Thursday. For Ben it's the opposite, so that kinda sucks for him. But for me, it's great fun.

I climb down our unmovable ladder and stumble to the shower. After that, I decide whether I will go to breakfast or not. Mind you, I still eat breakfast, just not always at the commons. But I can save those meals up and use them at the grill later, so it's all good. Pop tarts are tasty.

Occasionally, kittens will find their way into my stash.
Anyway, so I go to classes in the morning do a little homework in between, go to chapel on Wednesday, and occasionally take a nap. It really all depends on what day it is, but I'm not going to get into that. Then it's time for lunch. I usually eat lunch in a hurry because I have class right after it, so that's not the best time for socializing. I'll sit at a table with my friends, but not be able to talk because I'm too busy scarfing down food so I'm not late.

After my afternoon classes are done, I'll relax a little bit. When Ben leaves for basketball, I sometimes go for a run. Or other days I just sit on the couch on my computer. One of those two. Then comes dinner, where we have a good time laughing about stupid and ridiculous things with friends.

Like this. Seriously, what? 
After that, it's time for a little homework. Unless, of course, it is Wednesday or Thursday, because I work those nights. I have the "privilege" of calling alumni and friends of the college and asking for donations. It can be a very, ahem, humbling experience. I got cussed out the other night because I called a number and asked for someone who was apparently the ex-wife of the guy I was talking to. He wasn't very happy with me.

Late at night, I may just do homework, hang out with friends, or watch something online. And then it's time for bed. Rinse, and repeat. But, it's a lot of fun and is a little more exciting than what this may have made it out to be. I can't speak for Ben's day, as he is not here right now. But I would assume it's more or less the same.

Except Ben is accompanied by women wherever he goes.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

John Stamos

Today, Ben brings the blog.

John Stamos, most of us remember him from our childhood, on the sitcom full house. He was everyones favorite uncle, he sang, and he was the cool one. The one that always let us do what we wanted. I felt like I was a part of the show and I wanted to be like Jesse (who John played). Some of my favorite moments of him when I watched the show were when he sang with his group, the Rippers. I loved hearing the new songs and jingles that they came up with.

Little did I know that John Stamos, the man who plays Uncle Jesse, would appear on Glee. This only made me like the show more. From Brittany's hillarious comments to the rivalry of Mr. Scheuster and Sue Sylvester, and now the new arrival of funny, charming, and loveable John Stamos. How could the show get any better?

Everyone loves John Stamos. The girls thing that he is gorgeous, heck, even a lot of guys do. Guys want to be like him and girls want to be with him. He is the MAN. I can't wait to watch Glee again on tuesday and see him on the show with all my other favorite Glee stars.

Coming home on wednesday, as is Kyle...see you guys soon!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Social Network Review

Tonight I, Kyle, got the pleasure of seeing the movie The Social Network. So I'm going to review it for you. Yes, you. And nobody else. Just you.

The Social Network may not be what you think it is. It's not Hollywood trying to capatalize on Facebook's success and making "Facebook: The Movie". It's an interesting dramatic film directed by David Fincher, and is based on the founders of Facebook and what went into getting the website to where it is today. Most of it is based on true events, although it can be assumed that the filmmakers made it a bit more exciting than it actually was. But hey, I wasn't complaining.

Jesse Eisenberg plays Mark Zuckerburg, the founder of Facebook, and while he may appear to be the main character, he isn't your typical protagonist. He doesn't really protray many likeable attributes, and is kind of a jerk to everyone he meets, albiet usually unintentionally. However, Eisenberg plays him almost perfectly, with just enough quiet sadness for the audience to sympathize with. How truthful this is to Zuckerburg's true character is uncertain, but it defiantly works for this film.

The film follows Mark from lowly nerd to the billionare he is today. His best friend Eduardo Saverin, played by future Spider-Man actor Andrew Garfield, helps him start Facebook. As Marks's website grows, Eduardo's role and influence diminishes. It doesn't help when Mark meets the creator of Napster Sean Parker, coincidently enough played by Justin Timberlake. Sean convinces Mark that he should move out to California and becomes his business partner. A rift eventually forms between Eduardo and Mark, and comes to a boiling point in an intense scene where both actors really get to show their stuff.

By the end of the movie, Mark has a lot more money, but just as few friends as before. Of course, the irony here being the founder of Facebook doesn't have very many friends. This movie shows that putting business and efficiancy before your relationships doesn't always end the best way. Mark obviously came out succesful, but at a cost.

Despite what you may think, this movie never ceased to entertain. The script is clever and occasionally quite funny, but never losing it's heart in the process. You may not necessarly care about all of these characters, but they are all well-developed and interesting. Even though you know where much of the film is headed, it never gets boring. I can give this a very high recommendation for anyone who has ever used Facebook, or really for anyone who loves a great character study.
