Sunday, October 31, 2010

A New Experiment

Today, Ben brings the blog yo diggity.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been working on stuff in garage band both by myself and with Kyle. We have created some pretty amazing and funny things over the last couple of weeks. One of my personal favorite things that I have done is recorded the song "In the still of the Night" by the Drifters. In this song I sing all 4 parts of the song and don't put any music to it. Another cool thing that kyle and I have done is create a song off the spot about needing a girl, we called it, "Girl, I need You" It's pretty hilarious. 
Im sure that everyone is wondering where I am going with this. Well here it goes. Two days ago, I wrote the lyrics to my very first song. I haven't given it a name yet, but it is definitely a work in progress. I began to write the song in hope of writing a love song. When I wrote, I guess I realized that it isn't right to write a love song when you don't truly love someone at the time, so it turned out to be more of a break up song. It's supposed to be about a guy who remembers things from the girl he dated, it is not referring to anything from my personal experience with relationships in the past. I am still changing the lyrics around as I go, and it definitely isn't a finished project yet seeing how I haven't written the music for it or finalized the lyrics. So here are the lyrics, let me know what you think!

Verse 1
Laying on the street
I look up at the stars.
I wish upon them every night

Remember when?
We would watch them,
Hoping to see shooting star’s lights.

I only wonder, what we could have been.
You were the only one that I loved in my life.

When you walked into the room.
When you talked to me alone.
When I looked into your eyes.
I thought they were the ones for me.
Now I see that it was just a dream.

Verse 2
I listen to the song
That we sang together.
I sing along in hope to hear you join in.

Remember when?
We’d sing off key
You’d laugh and say, come on Ben

I can’t stop thinking about you girl
You were in my life and now you’re gone.


Verse 3
I think of the time
When I said I love you
I meant it with all of my heart.

I think of the time
When you said I love you
Why wouldn’t you tell the truth from the start.

I hoped that we would last forever.
That’s the one thing we never agreed on.

I thought that we had something special.
I thought that we could work together.
I thought that you loved me.
I thought wrong. I thought wrong. 

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