Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Prairie Grass Film Challenge


It's been a while since I (Kyle) last blogged. It's really been a while since this blog has been updated in general. Ben's last post doesn't really count. Anyone can just type what is happening around them while they are supposed to be listening to a teacher in class. It's time for a forizzle blog. Here it comes.

This past weekend, I got the pleasure of participating in The Prairie Grass Film Challenge here at Dordt. This is actually the second time I've participated, but I had a completely new team this time. For those of you who don't know how it works, on Thursday afternoon we were sent an e-mail with 4 things: A prop, A character, a genre, and a line of dialogue. We then have 48 hours to create, shoot, and edit a short film using these things. Our 4 things were as follows:

Genre: Comedy
Character: Jimmy Carlos, who just invented something
Prop: Five packs of Chiclets gum (which took us forever to find)
Line of Dialogue: How many times have we done this? About five?

I'm not going to go into extreme detail about our film, because when it becomes available for you to watch it, I want you to enjoy it then. All I will tell you is that it is called "Kelly", and it involves an intense game of racquetball. Here is a photograph from our filming so you get an idea of the stupid things we did making this:

The lengths we will go to for a shot. It kinda looks like he doesn't have a head, doesn't it?
Well, that's all I got. I'll post something on here when the video becomes available on Dordt's website.


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