Monday, January 24, 2011


I (Kyle) want to blog about a little gadget that will be gracing store shelves in the near future. It's Nintendo's latest hand-held gaming system, the 3DS.
Its biggest selling point is, of course, it's ability to give 3-dimensional images to your eyes WITHOUT GLASSES. So far, the reception has been overwhelmingly positive from those that have had the pleasure of trying it. It also boasts an accelerometer, similar to that of the iPhone, so that tilt functions can be implemented into games as well. Not to mention its two cameras, updated graphics, and internet service that let's you download old Gameboy games from the past.

And the games themselves are sure to be great as always. Classic Nintendo franchises like Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus, Mario Kart, Nintendogs, Paper Mario, will all have new games on the system, as well as third party games like Contra, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Madden, Metal Gear Solid, and Resident Evil.

But Nintendo has also announced it is remaking some of its classic games in 3D, including Star Fox 64, and the greatest game ever: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I have played through that game many times, and I can't wait to do it again in 3D and with updated graphics.

Of course, this isn't all sunshine and daisies, which is kind of a bad metaphor anyway because while I do like sunshine, I really don't care that much about daisies. Anyway, the system comes out on March 27 of this year and will cost $249.99. Well, this is a little to quick for me to scrape together that money. Sure I have it, but I'm not really just going to throw it down on day one, because I am a college student and I spent more than that amount on just books for this semester. But mark my words: I will have one before the end of this year! I suppose this is my New Year's Resolution. So while most people say they are going to exercise or eat better, I'm going to play more video games. Nice. Don't worry, I exercise too! Come on, guys.

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