Saturday, February 12, 2011

50th Blogpost Extravangaza!!!

I know, I know, it's been way to long since our last post. But! The reason for this is because we wanted to have something special for our 50th post. This is a milestone, people.

Unfortunately, we couldn't decide what to do. Every time we thought to blog, we remembered that we needed to make it good and then we said we should wait until the right thing came up. Well, here's the right thing. Below is a video of us practicing our act for the college talent show. It's a medley of popular songs, many of which are on the radio right now. It was filmed on my laptop so I apologize for the sound quality, but I hope you will enjoy it.

So, okay, maybe it wasn't worth the wait. But it's pretty good, right? That's Matt De Jong on the guitar, Ben on piano, Darin on skins and me (Kyle) on the mike. Yo. So we performed this on Wednesday for an audition and...dun dun dun...we made it! We're in the talent show, performing this for the whole college! Kinda scary.

The show is a week from today, next Saturday. So wish us luck. Goodnight.

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