Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Kati said today that she wanted to know more about kyle's and my friends...I will try to update you on the one's that I am closest to, since there are so many. This is Ben, by the way.

First, the girls

Amanda Oliver-she is a really nice girl who is very talkative and seems to know everyone on Dordt's Campus. She works in the food service and serves our food sometimes. She likes to run and she also shares interest with us on musical aspects. She enjoys listening to a song or two on the record player with us. She is from Washington

Rachel Delcid-She is from Denver and is also a very nice girl. She made everyone a little stocking for christmas and filled it with puppy chow! She listens to everyone and is great to have a deep conversation with.

Hannah Yoder-She is crazy, but also very funny. She has some pretty funny jokes even though she takes the jokes one step too far sometimes. She is very outgoing. From Iowa

Katie Monsma-From Idaho, she is really nice and one of the first girls that we hung out with here. She enjoys just spending time with friends. She is a great friend to hang out with.

Kayla VanderStelt-We came really good friends when we had a music jam session. She plays guitar and is a good singer, so it's fun to talk about and play music with her.

The Western Girls-This is a group of girls that all went to Western Christian High School in Iowa, and we just recently started to hang out with them more often.

                         Here is a group shot of a bunch of our friends!

Now on to the guys

Darin Lammers-He is on my praise team, he plays the drums and very well. He is very outgoing and likes to have a good time. He is also very into music and collects his own records! He is kind of a punk kid, he has earings and seems to be rebellious at times.

Matt De Jong-He also is on my praise team and is very talented musically. He plays the piano and the guitar and is also a great singer. We have jam sessions and sing with harmonies all the time. Occasionally, Matt and I will serenade the girls in Covenant Hall with our harmonic voices singing love songs. It is quite fun. He is also good at basketball

Austin Herrema- He is also musically gifted and plays the electric guitar and acoustic guitar. He is a great guy. He cares about people deeply, not that my other friends don't, but you can tell more right away with Austin. He is going into Engineering, so he studies alot.

David Spencer-He is on the basketball team with me and is very strange, we call him strange dave. It is very funny the things that he does, just watch the video of him laughing at me!

Kevin Fopma-He is my assistant coach, but i am also very good friends with him and hang out with him all the time. He is a great guy and loves basketball. He is also a Secondary Ed. History major like me, so we share alot of the same classes.

Tom Lenderink-He is a crazy fun kid. He is always making other people smile and is just a weird awesome kid. He is good at basketball so it's fun to play for fun with him. He is a great guy and is easy to have deep conversations with.

Jon Lenderink-This is tom's brother, and I actually met Jon first. The first day i was at dordt I shot around with Jon in the rec center, and he was a great guy to talk to. I became friends with him and Tom quite early. Jon is getting married this summer!

Jacob Richards-Sweet guy, him and tom have a little bit too close of a relationship, it is rare to seem them apart, haha. But he is a sweet guy, really into movies.

Obviously,  Jeff and Barry are close friends as well! But you guys know them. 

I think that that is about it. Wow, just making this is showing me that I really need to meet some more girls, haha. Well, that is all for tonight

Ben Sytsma

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