Monday, September 27, 2010

Hello my prodigious readers, it is I. I Kyle. You reader. Go go gadget blog!

Now that we have that out of the way, it's time for my specific topic. I'm going to be talking about dreams. Not your dreams of being a juggling police officer who entertains and enforces the law, but the dreams you have at night. I have always been fascinated by dreams, and this blog has nothing to do with, and is not pertaining to a film called Inception. (You should watch a movie called Inception, it's pretty good or something.)
Essentially my reaction at the end of the film.
Unfortunately for you, I'm not going to be teaching you anything specific about dreams. This, however, is fortunate for me because I don't have to do research. Why would I do research for a blog I keep in my spare time when I have college to attend to!? Are you mad!? dreams.

Dreams are awesome. Everyone loves dreams. At least they should. Why wouldn't you? Every night for around 7 or 8 hours you get to exist in another world that is quite bizarre compared to your own. At least, most of my dreams are bizarre. Apparently Ben doesn't dream about anything to crazy, while I'm flying around in some jeep and playing music with flowers. Or Jeannie.

This must be a dream.
I've been working on trying to teach myself to have lucid dreams, which is when you have a dream and you know that you are dreaming. So basically, if I understand it correctly, I just do whatever I want in my dream. Yes please. I'm supposed to put dots on my hands with a pen, and then during the day every time I see the dots I ask myself if I'm dreaming. This is will apparently train my brain into constantly check if I'm dreaming or not, until I will actually be dreaming when I ask myself if I am. I keep forgetting the dots though...

OK, so this blog post is kinda lame. It's kinda hard to think of things to write about when your tired and you want to go to bed. And then I'll totally think of something great to write about right before I fall asleep and never remember what it was in the morning. But I might remember my dream...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Best of the Best

Today, Ben brings the blog of the day. Some of you sports fans may think I am talking about Jahvid Best, the new Lions star after two weeks. However, this is not the case. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Freddie Mercury, Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger and John Bonham were all in the same band? I have multiple times, how awesome would that be?
A couple of days ago I discovered a super group that was kind of similar to this, not quite as good as the group above me may have been, but it's still pretty amazing. The name of the group is the Traveling Wilbury's. Maybe some of you who are above the age of 30 who actually read our blog have heard of this group. They are pretty awesome. The group consists of George Harrison, who formed the group, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Roy Orbison, and Jeff Lynne.
The group was formed in the late 80's, so many of the group members were a little past their prime, but they still sound great in many songs. Their First album, titled Volume 1, was released in 1988, and was actually quite a success, it reached number 3 in US charts, and number 1 in British and Australia charts. Before the Second Album was released, Roy Orbison actually passed away, making the group only four members, the second album was much less of a success, but still hit the charts pretty well.

If you have time, check them out, they are pretty good, here is a link to one of their more popular songs.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Flamingo Review

Hello gang, this is Kyle. I want to start this post off with an apology to the 9 of you who claim to read our blog. It's been about a week since we updated it, and we're sorry. With this being a time of first tests and other homework, we've just been a little busy. But let's get back into, eh?

Today I'm going to do something that you probably don't care about, but I care, so therefore I can write about it. I am going to review the new solo album by Brandon Flowers entitled Flamingo. If your interested, read on. And if not, read on anyway because you might become interested. Deal? Deal.

So first, a little background. Brandon Flowers is the lead singer of the band The Killers, which I'm sure most of you are familiar with. In late 2009, there were rumors that he was going to be doing a solo album and, of course, he did. The album is titled Flamingo and is named after the Flamingo Casino & Flamingo Road in Las Vegas where Flowers grew up. Let's get started going through the tracklisting. I'm going to write a little blurb on what I think of the song and I will bold the one's I feel are highlights.

  1. Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas: The first track of the album kicks things off with an ode to Flower's hometown. It's very Bruce Springsteen-esque and has a bit of a country twang to it. The lyrics are a bit strange, as it's hard to tell whether he is painting the city in a good light or a bad one. With lines like “Give us your dreamers, your harlots and your sins” and “Disciples hand you catalogues of concubines as you stumble down the boulevard crying Hosanna”. Perhaps he is intending to show you the city as it is. However, it is a very epic song and I like the arrangement.
  2. Only the Young: The second song is a little more subdued than the first, at it sets the tone for the rest of the album. It sports a more electronic and synth-based sound, with acoustic guitar. As far as I can tell, the song is about changing your ways when you are young, before it is to late. Also, something that is shown here as well as throughout the entire album is reflections of Flower's faith. “Father thy will be done” and “Redemption, keep my covers clean tonight” are examples of this.
  3. Hard Enough: This brings back some of the country influence but keeps the tone pulled back for the most part. It's a song that basically is about two lovers that had to break up for an unknown reason. It features vocals from Jenny Lewis, the lead singer of a band called Rilo Kelly. She doesn't seem to add much to the song though, just providing harmonies during the chorus.
  4. Jilted Lovers and Broken Hearts: This is the hardest rocker on the album, and it defiantly sounds the most like The Killers. However, the song is only so-so. It's basically about a guy finding out that his lover is cheating on him (there's a better Killers song about that, it's called Mr. Brightside). Flower's uses tons of gambling references here to go along with his Vegas theme, “You did a fine job of hiding that crooked ace up your sleeve” and “You're gonna wish you could go back and fold” to name a few. It's hard to say whether it's necessary or not, but it adds consistency.
  5. Playing With Fire: This the quietist, longest, and in my opinion the best song lyrically on the album. It stretches close to six minutes and deals directly with Flower's beliefs and his life. It's a bit vague on exactly what it's about, but I like the interpretation of how he feels it's hard to keep his faith being a famous singer and living the life he is living. “I've got this burning belief in Salvation and love, this notion may be naive but when push comes to shove I will till this ground” really represents his message well. Possibly my favorite on the album.
  6. Was it Something I Said?: This song is just really fun. It's got a kinda 80's pop feel to it, and is one of the more upbeat tracks on the album. The song is tells the story of a girl named Valentina, and how her lover doesn't know what he did to lose her (a theme going on here?) Just an overall bouncy and catchy song.
  7. Magdalena: This song is quite confusing to me. It's very Spanish influenced, perhaps coming off of a song The Killers did for Christmas last year. I also really like it. But I have no idea what it is about. The most I can gather is this: Magdalena is either a city or church in Mexico, and the main character is making a journey there from San Francisco in order to go there to be forgiven. Or something like that. Just enjoy it, it's a good song.
  8. Crossfire: This song was a toss-up for me. I really think that it's quite weak lyrically, but the arrangement and power behind Flower's vocals bring it up to a recommendation. I'm not the biggest fan of it, but it's certainly catchy and better than some songs on the album. It seems to me to be about temptation. It's worth a listen.
  9. On the Floor: This is a slow building song. It begins with just Flowers and a quiet instrumentation and builds up to a full choir backing him up in the final chorus. It's a very religious song, about being humble and and asking for forgiveness. Definitely a keeper.
  10. Swallow It: Not really a fan of this one. It seems so strange at the end of the album. I feel like any other song would have been better to end the album with than this one. It just kinda...stops. Doesn't feel right. It is somewhat catchy, but the lyrics are to silly for me to really get into. Not really fitting for this album if you ask me.

    So, there we go. I wrote way more than I anticipated, but if your interested I hope I gave you something to read. Overall, I think that this album is a good effort from Brandon Flowers, but his best work is still with The Killers. If your a fan of The Killers, picking this up should be a no-brainer. But if you haven't heard their work, you would be better of picking up Day & Age instead.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

23 Flavors

Ben's bringing the blog today.
Have you ever wanted a drink that could give you more than one flavor. I believe that Kyle and I have found that drink and we both seem to like it a lot, with the pile that is consuming our dorm room. I think by now most of you can guess what drink I am talking about, Dr. Pepper.

Dr. Pepper was created in 1880 by Charles Alderton, it was first served to the public in 1885. There are many myths of how it got its name from naming it after an actual Dr. Pepper to pepsin. No one knows for sure how it got its name. Some of their most popular slogans are "Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2, and 4 in the afternoon," "23 flavors," "Dr. Pepper, it makes the World taste better," and "Just what the doctor ordered."

Some famous people that like Dr. Pepper include Jimmy Fallon, Dr. Dre, Megan Fox, Dr. J, and Britney Spears just to name a few. After hearing names like this, you obviously know this drink is legit! So go out there and buy some. I heard it's good for you too! Not really, but seriously, whats the worst that could happen if you buy some?

Monday, September 13, 2010

You've Caught the Swine Flu

So today I (Kyle) am going to get a little self-promoting...but I think you guys will be okay with it. I'm not full of myself or anything I swear...

So, Swine Flu. It's an 8-part series I made, and it's on Facebook (except part 8, I'm sorry...I'm trying). If you haven't seen it, get your sit-part on over there and watch them son! I just got the pleasure of showing them to some friends of mine here and they really liked it, so it's on my mind right now. Let me give you a little history.

The Origin of Swine Flu
One spring day in 2009, I told some friends that I had an idea for a video. It was going to be about Swine Flu. None of them believed that I would actually make it for some reason, so I promised them that before the weekend was over, it would be finished. We started filming on Saturday afternoon, just making it up as we went. But we got halfway through it, and my brother Justin had to leave. Jerk. So we had to stop. Wanting to keep my promise, I edited it, called it Part 1, and put it on Facebook. We would just finish it the next chance we got.

The Next Chance We Got
We started on the second half of the movie, and just made it up as we went again. We couldn't decide how to end it, so we just ended on another cliffhanger. And the rest is history, or so I'm told. We filmed parts periodically whenever we had the time, and we only just finished it in August of 2010. It's been a crazy ride, but I loved every second of it. And I think my audience did too. (Hopefully.)

Just Some Fun Trivia to Close this Out
-None of this was planned from the beginning. We started to shape how it would end around Part 6.
-Chris got in trouble from his parents for laying on the pool table. They thought we would break it.
-In part 3, a mysterious person is following Chris and it is later revealed that it is Jared. When we filmed it, I had no idea who or what this person was, I just wanted someone in the woods.
-The "Don't call me Shirley" joke is from the movie "Airplane!" Go out and rent it, and stop giving me credit for the joke!
-The phrase "What The?" said in an exaggerated manner is actually taken from a Spongebob episode. It can be seen here:
-The camera tripod can be seen in many scenes. It's our stupid mistake.
-In Part 5, Sam says he is a hunter, an idea which got changed further into the story. It doesn't make any sense now. Great.
-Part 6 took the longest, it was technically in production for over six months.
-Coincidentally, Part 6 contains the worst joke in the series: My phone call with the boss.
-In part 6, when Chris is kidnapped, some old footage was used from part 1 with new footage for 6.
-The Dream Sequence in Part 7 is inspired by the show Twin Peaks. You should all watch that show.
-The movie Derek and I argue about in part 7 is Avatar. Jared doesn't like it.
-The Three Tests were originally quite different. One involved time travel, and the other involved saving your friends lives by sacrificing yourself. To heady for Swine Flu. The girl was always the final test.
-Part 7 is the only episode that had a written script.
-The funniest scene ever, when Ben orbits the globe, was made up completely on the spot.
-The ending song makes me very sad. Just sayin'.
-Thanks guys.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Detroit Lions

Hey, today, Ben brings the blog.

The Detroit Lions have definitely had their rough patches over the last 10 years. Ever since the retirement of Barry Sanders, the Lions have not been a successful franchise. This year, I think things might take a turn for the better. With new additions Suh and Best, along with young players Matthew Stafford and Calvin Johnson, our offense is looking better than ever. With a new coach on his second year and finally with a new GM, we are heading in the right direction.
Tomorrow, the Lions will take on the Bears in the season opener. This is in my opinion a very winnable game for the Lions. They need to get off to a get start on offense so we can use our ability to pass rush well (with our new improved D-Line) and get pressure on the QB. This will be a tough matchup, and will be a great game because it is a great rivalry. My prediction, Lions-31 Bears 24, this will be a close game with the lions starting out in front, and then the bears coming back. I believe the lions will have a go ahead drive in the 4th quarter to pull it out.

On a season outlook, I think the lions will go 7-9 this year, and continue to improve as the year goes on.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm So Tired...

Okay so the truth is, the title is right. I really don't want to do this, so I'm going to have the Beatles say it for me.

Goodnight, sweet prince.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tattoo You

Today, Ben brings the blog of the day.

Today, I want to do a review of a new album I just bought, it's called tattoo you, by the Rolling Stones.

The first track of this album "Start me up" starts the album in a great way. With a great guitar melody, everyone wants to keep listening to what the album is "starting up." As they open up into the second song, we are introduced to high harmonies, a new side of the Rolling Stones that we don't always see. Mick Jagger really sings in a new way, different than that of most of his songs. "Hang Fire" brings something new to the album. The third track "Slave" features many different instruments including a very cool saxophone solo (kyle and I enjoy sax solos very much!), as well as some organ being played in the background, not something you normally hear in a rock song. The next song, titled "Little T&A" is a slight humor break from the album, where co-songwriter Richards takes the serious level down and simply has fun with his listeners, singing about as he calls it "Every good time I've had with someone who I've only seen for a couple days, and then never seen again." After this humorous song, it opens up with some harmonica in "Black Limousine." This song is one of very few recorded "blues" song by the Rolling Stones, I very much like how they mix up the styles from song to song, it adds uniqueness to the album. The last song, "Neighbours," was written about how Richards was evicted from his house in NYC for playing music too loud. This definitely comes through in the sound of the song, one of the harder songs on the side, with a very strong beat (another sax solo!)
On to Side B. The first song, titled, "Worried About You," brings us to a new mellow side of the Rolling Stones which we don't here all that often, but that will continue to be a theme throughout the second side. This is probably my favorite song on the album, with a slow start, and a falsetto voice from Jagger, hitting some high notes in the song that I didn't know he was capable of. The progression of the song lyrically and musically make this song something special. Lyrically, he changes from worrying about a girl he is dating, to worrying about finding that girl someday (in the future that he hasn't met yet), this song brings in a "story," which we all love to here in songs. As the song goes on he carries emotion, getting more and more into, and truly putting his soul into this song.
The next song, "Tops," features the piano, leading into a good progression of music, very well written musically. As it progresses into the chorus, we hear some great high harmonies from the backing vocalists. This song continues with the slower heartfelt theme of the second side. "Heaven" gives us a new feel with multiple instruments, and somewhat distorted voice to make us feel like we are in a heavenly place. It is a very unique song that is very different from the rest of the album. Next, "No Use In Crying," brings us to a heartfelt message where Jagger writes a song to a girl saying, "There ain't no use in crying, I ain't never coming back." To close the album, "Waiting on a Friend," brings us to a close in a very good way. The song begins with dreamy qualities and soft guitars. It also starts in a unique Time Signature of 7/4, which gives a different beat to the song that you don't normally here. It also features a superb sax solo towards the end of the song, which gives us more of a heartfelt feeling. The song ends with the sax fading, leaving us with warm hearts. The song was written about friendships within the band members. This song concludes the side and the album perfectly, with one last heartfelt message to the listeners.

It was a great album! I really loved listening to it, and this is only what I observed on my first listen, Im sure that there is much more to enjoy about it! So go ahead, take a listen!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Moving Foward

Yo. It's Kyle this time. Can I get serious wit' y'all for a second? Okay I'll drop that, but really now...

Today in my Intro to Mass Communications class, we talked about books. Not a particular book, just books in general. The medium of books. We talked about how some people are choosing to replace their books with e-book readers. Like one of these:

Get out of mine.
We had a discussion in class about which we would prefer. The majority of the class said they would prefer to have an actual book instead of an e-book, myself included. One girl raised her hand and said something to the affect of "There's nothing like curling up with an actual book, turning the pages, and feeling intellectual." Now this got me thinking about something else that I have recently come to find out.

As someone who is a pretty big music fan, I couldn't help but notice some comparisons to how we get and listen to music to what is happening with books right now. I have recently taken up an affinity for vinyl records. I have found as a music lover that, like having an actual book, having an actual record to put on a turntable is somehow just more appealing and satisfying. Not to mention having the cover (the casing) to look at while you listen.

It's interesting that so many people in my generation would be uneasy giving up books, but most would never consider going back to records over an iPod. If you were really hardcore about it, you could go completely vinyl. Many quality artists still release albums in that format as well as on CD or digitally.
Here's proof, ladies.
Now, I have an iPod and I use it all the time. It's great to be able to have a huge library of songs that I can take anywhere I want very easily. The same would go for an e-reader. It's a perfect if you have many different books and are taking a trip. There are benefits to both.

Just my musings for a bit. You don't have to agree or anything, it's the point of a blog. We write whatever we want. Fool. So, um, like, I'll see you around...

Monday, September 6, 2010


Hey, today Ben is bringing the blog of the day.

Why is it that some of the highest paid football players are rookies, who haven't even proven themselves in the NFL. With the NFL kicking off this coming week, I can't help but thinking how much Sam Bradford will be making by playing one game, when no one knows how well he will perform. Players like Chris Johnson, who have dominated the NFL the past couple of years are only getting paid the minimum, or a little more, while players like Matthew Stafford, who really haven't proven a whole lot yet, are making 12 million or more per year! How is this?
This conversation has been in effect for a couple of years now, but the problem is only getting worse, players are getting paid more and more, and most of them rookies. How do we know that these players will turn out to be good, there are many cases when they don't. Some examples include JaMarcus Russel, Chris Long, and Charles Rogers. All of these players have gotten huge salaries right out of the gate, and none have performed well so far.
We need to give the money to the players who have earned it, rookies should get minimum or a little above and that is it. It's ridiculous how much teams pay for the hope of a good player.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day

So...tomorrow is Labor Day. Or maybe it's today, depending on when your reading this. Or maybe it's yesterday. Or maybe-

You get the idea. This is Kyle, and whatever day it is, welcome to my living quarters. That being my blog.

ANYWAY, sorry for shouting there, labor day. On labor day we have school. I don't know how normal this is, but it's going to cause me to go on a rant. Starting...NOW:

Labor day. A day to celebrate the working force. OR NOT. Unfortunately, for the students of Dordt college, this is not a day of festive parades and delicious barbecues. No, this is a day of school, and a Monday at that. So while all of you are relaxing with your family and friends in the backyard, think of us slaving at our desks and pounding our heads full of knowledge that we'll forget tomorrow. Yeah, you should feel guilty.

This is an outrage! I say we boycott the classes! Nobody go to class tomorrow! Spread the word, alert the media! WE MUST FIGHT!

Okay not really. As much as I dislike having class tomorrow, it's not like I can change anything. Nobody reads this thing anyway. Yeah, so enjoy your day off...I won't.

Shut up.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Atheist Conversation

Today, Ben brings the blog of the day. Today, for the first time in my life, I had a talk with an atheist. We talked over a chat site, where you don't know the person you are talking to, they give it to you at random and I got him. Here is the conversation word for word, copy and pasted, let me know what you think. I tried to be as open to him as possible, if I made some mistakes...don't get too mad at me, haha. Just a word of warning. There is some vulgar language because I straight copied and pasted it. So please read with care if you are reading this with younger children.

obviously, I am the "you" and he is the "stranger"

You: hey
Stranger: I'm an atheist, ask me anything
You: why?
Stranger: Well, you can ask me if you want
Stranger: or do you mean "why am I an atheist:
You: the second one
You: how have you come to that conclusion?
Stranger: Well, I don't see any real reason to believe in god. The world is amazing, but I don't look at the world and go "OH! A WIZARD DID THIS", I look in a bit deeper...
You: well, what you just a Christian belief...the world believes that a
You: "wizard" did this
You: we do look a bit deeper
Stranger: a muslim?
You: no
Stranger: Hindu?
You: no
You: christian
Stranger: Well that's interesting...who created god?
You: he has no time frame...he was always there...something our minds can't comprehend...just as there is no end...we can't comprehend
Stranger: Really, well if that's the case how do you actually know he exists if he is beyond your conprehension
You: he is not beyond my comprehension...the fact that he has been here all this time is beyond my comprehension
You: although, i agree, we will never no God to the extent that he really is
Stranger: "he was always there...something our minds can't comprehend...just as there is no end...we can't comprehend"
Stranger: When I look at god, the christian god, I see something that, although outdated, was made up to try and explain the world...
Stranger: You explain things within your experiences...which is natural
You: I don't agree with that...Christianity is how the world began...yes, i learn more about
You: God and trust in him through my experiences
Stranger: Orly|?
You: but the religeon has been around since the world began
Stranger: Has it?
You: yeah, it has
Stranger: It's certianly been around since mankind came on the scene, but at the beginning of the world?
You: God created man on the 6th since the 6th day of the has been a religeon
Stranger: And how do you know this
Stranger: OH WAIT
You: through his obviously...days could have been longer, or even just a reference to a long amount of time...
Stranger: lol
You: yet, it is true
Stranger: Listen
Stranger: We have evidence that mankind was much older than 6,000 years old
You: exactly why I said could be referenced as a long amount of time
Stranger: and indeed, evidence the world is older than 6000 years old
You: although...that evidence, is faltered, with the flood of the world...strong amounts of pressure make things look older than what they are
Stranger: Then why didn't it say that in the bible?
Stranger: Well
You: could be an answer as well
Stranger: You've conviced me
Stranger: I have been wrong
You: im not trying to convince
You: you
Stranger: I have finally accepted Jesus
You: i think it's interesting to see how you came to accept this
Stranger: yes
Stranger: Yes it is
Stranger: I am rebon
Stranger: and my first act as a christian is to Kill my gay brother
You: what?
Stranger: Will you join me in slaughtering the homo faggot whores?
You: no
You: i will not
Stranger: God demands we kill faggots
Stranger: leveticus 20:13
You: i would love them...and try to help them with their problems
You: those are old testament laws
Stranger: Well if you "help" them you are going to hell
You: no longer in effect since Jesus' new law in matthew
Stranger: god doesn't say cure gays, he says kill them, because once you choose to be gay, ou cannot be cured
Stranger: it says so in the bible
You: I don't think so
Stranger: yes it does
You: I think you need to take things more in its context
You: if you want to quote the bible
Stranger: No I haven't
You: I have a question for you
Stranger: I have a question for you too
You: you say you have no faith, correct?
Stranger: yes
You: ok...well isn't what you believe right now...atheism, faith. Faith that there is no God, faith that your life on earth is all there is?
You: you do believe in something...just not the same thing as me
You: we all have faith
Stranger: Well, I don't think I'd call that faith
You: what would you call it then?
Stranger: I can't disprove a deistic god...but I can disprove a theistic god...IE: the abrihamic god.
You: you cannot prove or disproove God, it is impossible
You: it's all a matter of faith
Stranger: I can disprive the abrihamic god
Stranger: your god
You: no you can't
You: how?
Stranger: yes I can
You: disproove him to me
You: it's impossible
You: you have no proof
Stranger: God is all powerful and all knowing, right?
You: yes
Stranger: So why then does he not get rid of homosexuality if he finds it unsavory...we have proven it's nobody's fault, and even if it was, he could wipe the very idea out of existance without infringing on free will
Stranger: being all powerful.
Stranger: Yet...homosexuality still exists...
You: actually it is someones fault..satin's. It is because there is sin in the world.
Stranger: Then why doesn't he get rid of satan?
You: We have free will...God doesn't want to make us worship him...what would be the point?
Stranger: Satan isn't all powerful, is he?
You: He plans to, with the coming of his Kingdom
You: no, he isn't
Stranger: Well why doesn't he do it now?
You: there is a constant struggle, until Jesus returns again
Stranger: Well what is he waiting for
Stranger: all this testing stuff is bullshit
You: oh, it's not God testing
Stranger: he doesn't need to test anything because he is ALL KNOWING
Stranger: orly
Stranger: then why do we have life?
You: it's satin..he doesn't want any evil
Stranger: why do we have ehaven or hell
You: we have life to worship God
You: heaven is very complex, many people view it wrong
Stranger: Next question
Stranger: why does he say the earth is flat when it is so obviously not
You: the Kingdom of Heaven is coming to us, we don't go there. when Jesus returns, he will create a new jerusalem on earth, a new heaven and earth where all things are perfect
You: I am sure he may say that...where is it found, may I ask?
Stranger: the bible
You: My guess is as good as yours. Probably b/c people wrote the Bible
You: and people, back then, thought that the world was flat. God used them to write his word...
Stranger: But I thought the bible was the word of god?
You: it is
You: i just explained that
Stranger: Well why did he tell them to write that then?
You: I don't know about this for sure, I am guessing here. But I don't think God directly told all of them exactly what to write..especially in the New Testament
Stranger: Well I think he would at least correct some errors...
Stranger: Also
Stranger: you admitted there that the bible was influenced by the understandings of the time
You: minor errors like that?
You: i said..I am not sure on that
You: I am guessing there
Stranger: Hold on
Stranger: Well it obviously is
You: so...your question then?
Stranger: Have you concidered that the bible may mearly be the beliefs of a group of people at a particular time
Stranger: I mean I find it interesting how the beliefs of god match up to the beliefs of people at particular times
Stranger: homosexuality, slavery, mass genocide
You: was written throughout history...through the power of God. The Gospels (matthew mark luke john) were written so soon after what had happened that everyone knew it was total truth
Stranger: right, so god really does want you to kill gays
Stranger: and slavery is Ok
You: what?
You: your conclusions are full of faulty logic
You: taken way out of context
Stranger: No
Stranger: No they are not
Stranger: shall I get a quote to two
Stranger: or three?
You: all 3 of the things you listed above, are referenced throughout the bible
You: let me guess...all in the old testament?
You: leviticus maybe?
Stranger: ironlicly not
Stranger: luke 19:27
You: k, what does it say?
Stranger: But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"
Stranger: this was jesus speaking as himself through the metephor of a king in a parable
You: hold on a sec
You: ok
You: once again taken out of context...this is talking about the end of times
Stranger: Oh is he?
You: where yes...that will happen
Stranger: so at the end times all the christians will kill non christians
Stranger: that still aint good
You: no
You: ?
You: you don't think so?
Stranger: I don't think the bible is in anyway good
You: that is why he hasn't come back try to prevent that from happening
Stranger: all this "interpretation" stuff is bullshit
You: what i find funny, is through all of still haven't disproven God
Stranger: OK
Stranger: I GIVE UP
Stranger: JESUS
Stranger: IS
Stranger: LORD
You: what do you's quite obvious interpretation...all you have to do is look at context
Stranger: NO
You: i never said you had to believe that
Stranger: the bible is the TRUE WORD OF GOD
You: i just said you can't prove or disproove god
Stranger: ok...
Stranger: but I have one simple task for me
Stranger: or for you
You: whats that?
Stranger: show me the passage where it says the bible must be interperated
Stranger: You can't find it
Stranger: You will never find it
You: Im not interperatating reading it the way your supposed to read any book
Stranger: orly
You: do you read a history book and read it like its from your tiem?
You: take it in it's context
Stranger: if I read a book and it says "john kills sally" does that mean they had sex
Stranger: or a tea party?
Stranger: or smoked weed?
You: what?
Stranger: NO
You: have you read a parable?
You: in any book
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: yes I have
You: there meant for interpretation
You: not literal
Stranger: Really?
You: yeah
You: it's a story
Stranger: Yeah
You: that shows a lesson
You: not tells a fact
Stranger: and not all stories are real
Stranger: but
Stranger: if you believe in the bible
Stranger: and believe it to be the one true way
You: yes, that parable that teaches me what that parable says...i believe every word that the parable is teaching me
Stranger: ok, do where does jesus say all the bible is to be 'interperated'
You: it doesn't
Stranger: exactly
You: it's common knowledge for most humans to read parables and find there meanings
Stranger: yes, but things like leveticus 20:13 are not parables
You: not take a short story to teach a lesson and take it word for word literally, when thats not why he told the story
Stranger: And where does jesus say "thou shall no take the old testiment literally?
Stranger: answer: he doesn't...
Stranger: infact
Stranger: he says the opposite
Stranger: he says you must follow the old testiment to the letter
Stranger: that includes deuteronomy 13:12-19
Stranger: and leveticus 20:13
Stranger: and all the rest
You: there is new law
You: in matthew that jesus brought
You: that i already told you about
Stranger: no
Stranger: jesus
Stranger: said
You: yeah, i did
Stranger: you
Stranger: must
Stranger: follow
Stranger: the
Stranger: old
Stranger: testiment
You: where is that stated?
You: out of curiosity
You: you may be correct
Stranger: hold on
Stranger: “For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:18-19 RSV)
You: hold on one sec
Stranger: It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid." (Luke 16:17 NAB)
You: while I read the whole chapter to get context
You: not just one verse
Stranger: ph
Stranger: oh
Stranger: hello
Stranger: guess what I found
Stranger: Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God." (2 Peter 20-21 NAB)
You: you do realize what law he is talking about in matthew right?
You: I read NIV
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: hold on
You: not NAB but i will look it up
Stranger: And I'll get the NIV
You: ok
You: but hold on
You: one passage at a time
You: lets talk about the Matthew 5: 18-19
You: first
You: you do realize what law he is talking about right?
Stranger: hold on
Stranger: ....
Stranger: does the NIV only include three chapters on 2 peter
You: only 1 chapter i believe actually
Stranger: ...
Stranger: wow
Stranger: that is...
Stranger: I knew the bible had several edits but...fuck
Stranger: you miss out whole books?
Stranger: well
Stranger: I knew that
You: im on matthew
After this, he disconnected.
Please let me know what you think.

Friday, September 3, 2010

What was that all about?

For those wondering what the previous post was about...let's just say I wasn't on my computer and was very confused.

This is Kyle. Not Ben. We are going to try to go back and forth from now on. It got a little crazy, but I think I've calmed him down.

Today's blog (actually the next day, it's after 12 here) is about...nothing. Yeah I just sat here for about 20 minutes trying to figure out what to write about, and the best I could come up with is nothing. So let's expand on that, shall we?
A picture of nothing. What is it?

Nothing is the absence of something. This is truly rocket science. I'm sorry, but I'm really tired. I can't do this much longer. We had a dance tonight, and I'm so worn out. I might just fall asleep here on the couch with my laptop on top of me. Hopefully that doesn't happ...e........n......

ZZZZZZZZZ (That means sleeping, for some reason. Comics taught it to me, I don't ask questions.)


What? What?

Thursday, September 2, 2010


"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." Og Mandino

Today, Ben brings the blog of the day. Failure is one thing that we, as humans, are always worried about. Will I pass this test? How will my speech go? Will I run fast enough? Will we win? These are some questions that are on my mind, and yet, I know, if I have determination, I will succeed.

Today, I had to run my timed 2 mile for basketball. My goal time was to beat 13 minutes. If I didn't succeed in doing this, I would let my whole team down and we would have to run conditioning on friday. For the last 2 months, I have trained long and hard for this timed 2 mile, and today was the day that would test my training. 

I remember it from the start, today was a cold day, the coldest we've had since we have been here in Iowa, and the sun was setting. It seemed perfect conditions to run in. As we started, I was towards the back, and I could here coach yell from the back. Get up there Vogues (another kid on the team). Get up there Ben! I kind of ignored him and kept my pace, haha. Half way through I began to pass a couple people and felt I was on track for a good time. Suddenly, I seemed out of breath with a quarter mile left, when I thought of how much I wanted to succeed. It pushed me through to the finish with a time of 12:40. I had beaten my goal, by a large margin.

Last, we should not worry about anything. We should put all our burdens at the foot of the cross. Give them over to Jesus, and flee from them! Have a great day!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Getting in Trouble!

Have you ever gotten in trouble? Maybe it wasn't even something that you did wrong, but you still got blamed for it? Today, Ben brings the blog of the day once again (come on kyle! slacking, haha). So, a couple of days ago, a friend of me and kyle's was having trouble with her printer. It was 3:30 in the afternoon, so we figured, sure, why not help a new friend out. We get into her room, and figure out that she didn't even put the installation disk in the computer yet (obviously the problem...although she was a girl, haha).

Then, her R.A. comes in the room and tells us that it isn't open hours, and that we are in violation for being in a girls dorm. At 3:30 in the afternoon? Anyways, she said that nothing would happen, and that we wouldn't get in trouble, so naturally, we kind of forgot about it. Only to find that today, we both got an e-mail telling us to call student services to set up a time for our hearing for violating school policy! It seems pretty serious. Although, I think that we may be ok.

I know that we all have good stories like this. We all get in trouble sometimes, and always look back laughing. If you have a story...please share! We would love to hear them!