Thursday, September 2, 2010


"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." Og Mandino

Today, Ben brings the blog of the day. Failure is one thing that we, as humans, are always worried about. Will I pass this test? How will my speech go? Will I run fast enough? Will we win? These are some questions that are on my mind, and yet, I know, if I have determination, I will succeed.

Today, I had to run my timed 2 mile for basketball. My goal time was to beat 13 minutes. If I didn't succeed in doing this, I would let my whole team down and we would have to run conditioning on friday. For the last 2 months, I have trained long and hard for this timed 2 mile, and today was the day that would test my training. 

I remember it from the start, today was a cold day, the coldest we've had since we have been here in Iowa, and the sun was setting. It seemed perfect conditions to run in. As we started, I was towards the back, and I could here coach yell from the back. Get up there Vogues (another kid on the team). Get up there Ben! I kind of ignored him and kept my pace, haha. Half way through I began to pass a couple people and felt I was on track for a good time. Suddenly, I seemed out of breath with a quarter mile left, when I thought of how much I wanted to succeed. It pushed me through to the finish with a time of 12:40. I had beaten my goal, by a large margin.

Last, we should not worry about anything. We should put all our burdens at the foot of the cross. Give them over to Jesus, and flee from them! Have a great day!


  1. Nice Job! That was faster than my time!

  2. wow, that's great! You are right about not worrying. Do what you can to prepare and "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." I Peter 5:7
