Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Getting in Trouble!

Have you ever gotten in trouble? Maybe it wasn't even something that you did wrong, but you still got blamed for it? Today, Ben brings the blog of the day once again (come on kyle! slacking, haha). So, a couple of days ago, a friend of me and kyle's was having trouble with her printer. It was 3:30 in the afternoon, so we figured, sure, why not help a new friend out. We get into her room, and figure out that she didn't even put the installation disk in the computer yet (obviously the problem...although she was a girl, haha).

Then, her R.A. comes in the room and tells us that it isn't open hours, and that we are in violation for being in a girls dorm. At 3:30 in the afternoon? Anyways, she said that nothing would happen, and that we wouldn't get in trouble, so naturally, we kind of forgot about it. Only to find that today, we both got an e-mail telling us to call student services to set up a time for our hearing for violating school policy! It seems pretty serious. Although, I think that we may be ok.

I know that we all have good stories like this. We all get in trouble sometimes, and always look back laughing. If you have a story...please share! We would love to hear them!

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