Saturday, September 4, 2010

Atheist Conversation

Today, Ben brings the blog of the day. Today, for the first time in my life, I had a talk with an atheist. We talked over a chat site, where you don't know the person you are talking to, they give it to you at random and I got him. Here is the conversation word for word, copy and pasted, let me know what you think. I tried to be as open to him as possible, if I made some mistakes...don't get too mad at me, haha. Just a word of warning. There is some vulgar language because I straight copied and pasted it. So please read with care if you are reading this with younger children.

obviously, I am the "you" and he is the "stranger"

You: hey
Stranger: I'm an atheist, ask me anything
You: why?
Stranger: Well, you can ask me if you want
Stranger: or do you mean "why am I an atheist:
You: the second one
You: how have you come to that conclusion?
Stranger: Well, I don't see any real reason to believe in god. The world is amazing, but I don't look at the world and go "OH! A WIZARD DID THIS", I look in a bit deeper...
You: well, what you just a Christian belief...the world believes that a
You: "wizard" did this
You: we do look a bit deeper
Stranger: a muslim?
You: no
Stranger: Hindu?
You: no
You: christian
Stranger: Well that's interesting...who created god?
You: he has no time frame...he was always there...something our minds can't comprehend...just as there is no end...we can't comprehend
Stranger: Really, well if that's the case how do you actually know he exists if he is beyond your conprehension
You: he is not beyond my comprehension...the fact that he has been here all this time is beyond my comprehension
You: although, i agree, we will never no God to the extent that he really is
Stranger: "he was always there...something our minds can't comprehend...just as there is no end...we can't comprehend"
Stranger: When I look at god, the christian god, I see something that, although outdated, was made up to try and explain the world...
Stranger: You explain things within your experiences...which is natural
You: I don't agree with that...Christianity is how the world began...yes, i learn more about
You: God and trust in him through my experiences
Stranger: Orly|?
You: but the religeon has been around since the world began
Stranger: Has it?
You: yeah, it has
Stranger: It's certianly been around since mankind came on the scene, but at the beginning of the world?
You: God created man on the 6th since the 6th day of the has been a religeon
Stranger: And how do you know this
Stranger: OH WAIT
You: through his obviously...days could have been longer, or even just a reference to a long amount of time...
Stranger: lol
You: yet, it is true
Stranger: Listen
Stranger: We have evidence that mankind was much older than 6,000 years old
You: exactly why I said could be referenced as a long amount of time
Stranger: and indeed, evidence the world is older than 6000 years old
You: although...that evidence, is faltered, with the flood of the world...strong amounts of pressure make things look older than what they are
Stranger: Then why didn't it say that in the bible?
Stranger: Well
You: could be an answer as well
Stranger: You've conviced me
Stranger: I have been wrong
You: im not trying to convince
You: you
Stranger: I have finally accepted Jesus
You: i think it's interesting to see how you came to accept this
Stranger: yes
Stranger: Yes it is
Stranger: I am rebon
Stranger: and my first act as a christian is to Kill my gay brother
You: what?
Stranger: Will you join me in slaughtering the homo faggot whores?
You: no
You: i will not
Stranger: God demands we kill faggots
Stranger: leveticus 20:13
You: i would love them...and try to help them with their problems
You: those are old testament laws
Stranger: Well if you "help" them you are going to hell
You: no longer in effect since Jesus' new law in matthew
Stranger: god doesn't say cure gays, he says kill them, because once you choose to be gay, ou cannot be cured
Stranger: it says so in the bible
You: I don't think so
Stranger: yes it does
You: I think you need to take things more in its context
You: if you want to quote the bible
Stranger: No I haven't
You: I have a question for you
Stranger: I have a question for you too
You: you say you have no faith, correct?
Stranger: yes
You: ok...well isn't what you believe right now...atheism, faith. Faith that there is no God, faith that your life on earth is all there is?
You: you do believe in something...just not the same thing as me
You: we all have faith
Stranger: Well, I don't think I'd call that faith
You: what would you call it then?
Stranger: I can't disprove a deistic god...but I can disprove a theistic god...IE: the abrihamic god.
You: you cannot prove or disproove God, it is impossible
You: it's all a matter of faith
Stranger: I can disprive the abrihamic god
Stranger: your god
You: no you can't
You: how?
Stranger: yes I can
You: disproove him to me
You: it's impossible
You: you have no proof
Stranger: God is all powerful and all knowing, right?
You: yes
Stranger: So why then does he not get rid of homosexuality if he finds it unsavory...we have proven it's nobody's fault, and even if it was, he could wipe the very idea out of existance without infringing on free will
Stranger: being all powerful.
Stranger: Yet...homosexuality still exists...
You: actually it is someones fault..satin's. It is because there is sin in the world.
Stranger: Then why doesn't he get rid of satan?
You: We have free will...God doesn't want to make us worship him...what would be the point?
Stranger: Satan isn't all powerful, is he?
You: He plans to, with the coming of his Kingdom
You: no, he isn't
Stranger: Well why doesn't he do it now?
You: there is a constant struggle, until Jesus returns again
Stranger: Well what is he waiting for
Stranger: all this testing stuff is bullshit
You: oh, it's not God testing
Stranger: he doesn't need to test anything because he is ALL KNOWING
Stranger: orly
Stranger: then why do we have life?
You: it's satin..he doesn't want any evil
Stranger: why do we have ehaven or hell
You: we have life to worship God
You: heaven is very complex, many people view it wrong
Stranger: Next question
Stranger: why does he say the earth is flat when it is so obviously not
You: the Kingdom of Heaven is coming to us, we don't go there. when Jesus returns, he will create a new jerusalem on earth, a new heaven and earth where all things are perfect
You: I am sure he may say that...where is it found, may I ask?
Stranger: the bible
You: My guess is as good as yours. Probably b/c people wrote the Bible
You: and people, back then, thought that the world was flat. God used them to write his word...
Stranger: But I thought the bible was the word of god?
You: it is
You: i just explained that
Stranger: Well why did he tell them to write that then?
You: I don't know about this for sure, I am guessing here. But I don't think God directly told all of them exactly what to write..especially in the New Testament
Stranger: Well I think he would at least correct some errors...
Stranger: Also
Stranger: you admitted there that the bible was influenced by the understandings of the time
You: minor errors like that?
You: i said..I am not sure on that
You: I am guessing there
Stranger: Hold on
Stranger: Well it obviously is
You: so...your question then?
Stranger: Have you concidered that the bible may mearly be the beliefs of a group of people at a particular time
Stranger: I mean I find it interesting how the beliefs of god match up to the beliefs of people at particular times
Stranger: homosexuality, slavery, mass genocide
You: was written throughout history...through the power of God. The Gospels (matthew mark luke john) were written so soon after what had happened that everyone knew it was total truth
Stranger: right, so god really does want you to kill gays
Stranger: and slavery is Ok
You: what?
You: your conclusions are full of faulty logic
You: taken way out of context
Stranger: No
Stranger: No they are not
Stranger: shall I get a quote to two
Stranger: or three?
You: all 3 of the things you listed above, are referenced throughout the bible
You: let me guess...all in the old testament?
You: leviticus maybe?
Stranger: ironlicly not
Stranger: luke 19:27
You: k, what does it say?
Stranger: But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"
Stranger: this was jesus speaking as himself through the metephor of a king in a parable
You: hold on a sec
You: ok
You: once again taken out of context...this is talking about the end of times
Stranger: Oh is he?
You: where yes...that will happen
Stranger: so at the end times all the christians will kill non christians
Stranger: that still aint good
You: no
You: ?
You: you don't think so?
Stranger: I don't think the bible is in anyway good
You: that is why he hasn't come back try to prevent that from happening
Stranger: all this "interpretation" stuff is bullshit
You: what i find funny, is through all of still haven't disproven God
Stranger: OK
Stranger: I GIVE UP
Stranger: JESUS
Stranger: IS
Stranger: LORD
You: what do you's quite obvious interpretation...all you have to do is look at context
Stranger: NO
You: i never said you had to believe that
Stranger: the bible is the TRUE WORD OF GOD
You: i just said you can't prove or disproove god
Stranger: ok...
Stranger: but I have one simple task for me
Stranger: or for you
You: whats that?
Stranger: show me the passage where it says the bible must be interperated
Stranger: You can't find it
Stranger: You will never find it
You: Im not interperatating reading it the way your supposed to read any book
Stranger: orly
You: do you read a history book and read it like its from your tiem?
You: take it in it's context
Stranger: if I read a book and it says "john kills sally" does that mean they had sex
Stranger: or a tea party?
Stranger: or smoked weed?
You: what?
Stranger: NO
You: have you read a parable?
You: in any book
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: yes I have
You: there meant for interpretation
You: not literal
Stranger: Really?
You: yeah
You: it's a story
Stranger: Yeah
You: that shows a lesson
You: not tells a fact
Stranger: and not all stories are real
Stranger: but
Stranger: if you believe in the bible
Stranger: and believe it to be the one true way
You: yes, that parable that teaches me what that parable says...i believe every word that the parable is teaching me
Stranger: ok, do where does jesus say all the bible is to be 'interperated'
You: it doesn't
Stranger: exactly
You: it's common knowledge for most humans to read parables and find there meanings
Stranger: yes, but things like leveticus 20:13 are not parables
You: not take a short story to teach a lesson and take it word for word literally, when thats not why he told the story
Stranger: And where does jesus say "thou shall no take the old testiment literally?
Stranger: answer: he doesn't...
Stranger: infact
Stranger: he says the opposite
Stranger: he says you must follow the old testiment to the letter
Stranger: that includes deuteronomy 13:12-19
Stranger: and leveticus 20:13
Stranger: and all the rest
You: there is new law
You: in matthew that jesus brought
You: that i already told you about
Stranger: no
Stranger: jesus
Stranger: said
You: yeah, i did
Stranger: you
Stranger: must
Stranger: follow
Stranger: the
Stranger: old
Stranger: testiment
You: where is that stated?
You: out of curiosity
You: you may be correct
Stranger: hold on
Stranger: “For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:18-19 RSV)
You: hold on one sec
Stranger: It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid." (Luke 16:17 NAB)
You: while I read the whole chapter to get context
You: not just one verse
Stranger: ph
Stranger: oh
Stranger: hello
Stranger: guess what I found
Stranger: Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God." (2 Peter 20-21 NAB)
You: you do realize what law he is talking about in matthew right?
You: I read NIV
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: hold on
You: not NAB but i will look it up
Stranger: And I'll get the NIV
You: ok
You: but hold on
You: one passage at a time
You: lets talk about the Matthew 5: 18-19
You: first
You: you do realize what law he is talking about right?
Stranger: hold on
Stranger: ....
Stranger: does the NIV only include three chapters on 2 peter
You: only 1 chapter i believe actually
Stranger: ...
Stranger: wow
Stranger: that is...
Stranger: I knew the bible had several edits but...fuck
Stranger: you miss out whole books?
Stranger: well
Stranger: I knew that
You: im on matthew
After this, he disconnected.
Please let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. (Trenten) -- I find it quite funny that the atheist you were talking to was quoting Bible passages to prove you wrong. If he was suing Bible passages to prove you wrong, then he must believe that the quotes he was using, were true. Thus, proving that he does believe in part of the Bible.

    Along with this, I agree with what you said, when you told him atheism is technically a religion.
