Friday, September 3, 2010

What was that all about?

For those wondering what the previous post was about...let's just say I wasn't on my computer and was very confused.

This is Kyle. Not Ben. We are going to try to go back and forth from now on. It got a little crazy, but I think I've calmed him down.

Today's blog (actually the next day, it's after 12 here) is about...nothing. Yeah I just sat here for about 20 minutes trying to figure out what to write about, and the best I could come up with is nothing. So let's expand on that, shall we?
A picture of nothing. What is it?

Nothing is the absence of something. This is truly rocket science. I'm sorry, but I'm really tired. I can't do this much longer. We had a dance tonight, and I'm so worn out. I might just fall asleep here on the couch with my laptop on top of me. Hopefully that doesn't happ...e........n......

ZZZZZZZZZ (That means sleeping, for some reason. Comics taught it to me, I don't ask questions.)

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