Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tattoo You

Today, Ben brings the blog of the day.

Today, I want to do a review of a new album I just bought, it's called tattoo you, by the Rolling Stones.

The first track of this album "Start me up" starts the album in a great way. With a great guitar melody, everyone wants to keep listening to what the album is "starting up." As they open up into the second song, we are introduced to high harmonies, a new side of the Rolling Stones that we don't always see. Mick Jagger really sings in a new way, different than that of most of his songs. "Hang Fire" brings something new to the album. The third track "Slave" features many different instruments including a very cool saxophone solo (kyle and I enjoy sax solos very much!), as well as some organ being played in the background, not something you normally hear in a rock song. The next song, titled "Little T&A" is a slight humor break from the album, where co-songwriter Richards takes the serious level down and simply has fun with his listeners, singing about as he calls it "Every good time I've had with someone who I've only seen for a couple days, and then never seen again." After this humorous song, it opens up with some harmonica in "Black Limousine." This song is one of very few recorded "blues" song by the Rolling Stones, I very much like how they mix up the styles from song to song, it adds uniqueness to the album. The last song, "Neighbours," was written about how Richards was evicted from his house in NYC for playing music too loud. This definitely comes through in the sound of the song, one of the harder songs on the side, with a very strong beat (another sax solo!)
On to Side B. The first song, titled, "Worried About You," brings us to a new mellow side of the Rolling Stones which we don't here all that often, but that will continue to be a theme throughout the second side. This is probably my favorite song on the album, with a slow start, and a falsetto voice from Jagger, hitting some high notes in the song that I didn't know he was capable of. The progression of the song lyrically and musically make this song something special. Lyrically, he changes from worrying about a girl he is dating, to worrying about finding that girl someday (in the future that he hasn't met yet), this song brings in a "story," which we all love to here in songs. As the song goes on he carries emotion, getting more and more into, and truly putting his soul into this song.
The next song, "Tops," features the piano, leading into a good progression of music, very well written musically. As it progresses into the chorus, we hear some great high harmonies from the backing vocalists. This song continues with the slower heartfelt theme of the second side. "Heaven" gives us a new feel with multiple instruments, and somewhat distorted voice to make us feel like we are in a heavenly place. It is a very unique song that is very different from the rest of the album. Next, "No Use In Crying," brings us to a heartfelt message where Jagger writes a song to a girl saying, "There ain't no use in crying, I ain't never coming back." To close the album, "Waiting on a Friend," brings us to a close in a very good way. The song begins with dreamy qualities and soft guitars. It also starts in a unique Time Signature of 7/4, which gives a different beat to the song that you don't normally here. It also features a superb sax solo towards the end of the song, which gives us more of a heartfelt feeling. The song ends with the sax fading, leaving us with warm hearts. The song was written about friendships within the band members. This song concludes the side and the album perfectly, with one last heartfelt message to the listeners.

It was a great album! I really loved listening to it, and this is only what I observed on my first listen, Im sure that there is much more to enjoy about it! So go ahead, take a listen!

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